Sunday, September 30, 2012

09-12-2012 Galveston Bay

a very rainly day, we still caught a few fish. We caught Red Fish, Sheep Heads and a few Specks. To book a trip call 281-507-1933 Thanks Captain Mike

09-30-2012 Galveston Bay

A very windy day. We still caught a 3 person limit of red fish and some nice Specks. To book a trip call 281-507-1933.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

09-15-2012 N. Jetties

We had a great day of catching lots of bull reds. specks, sand trout,flounder. To book a trip call 281-507-1933

Friday, September 14, 2012

09-14-2012 East Bay Galveston

We had a good trip today catching Specks, Sand trout and one red fish. To book a trip call 281-507-1933 Thanks Captain Mike Cacciotti

Friday, September 7, 2012

09-06-2012 West Bay Galveston

We had a quick trip on Thursday, we did catch some specks, sand trout, galftops, red fish and a blk tip shark. To book a trip please call 281-507-1933 Thanks Captain Mike Cacciotti

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

09-04-2012 West Bay Galveston

We had a very windy day of fishing. We caught Specks, sand trouts, galftops under size reds and a blk. tp shark. To book a trip call 281-507-1933. I am now booking for Sabine. Thanks Captain Mike Cacciotti